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National Broadband Plan Proposes Significant Challenges for Television Broadcasters

March 17, 2010
Pillsbury invites you to join a conference call on Wednesday, March 24 at 2 p.m. to discuss the broadcast spectrum changes proposed in the National Broadband Plan.

The National Broadband Plan (“NBP”) proposes immediate and sweeping steps that, if adopted, could displace many television broadcasters from their existing spectrum. Specifically, FCC staff proposes a “voluntary” surrender by some television broadcasters of their spectrum as well as repacking of the spectrum to minimize the portion dedicated to television broadcasting. An expected flood of FCC proceedings and possible surprises still to play out are likely to keep television broadcasters playing catch-up. The growth of both broadband and broadcasting are not necessarily incompatible goals if the proper mechanisms are put in place. However, the current version of the NBP places the broadcast industry in a defensive position by assuming that broadband can only grow by displacing television broadcasters.

To register and receive the conference telephone number and password, please contact Liliam Aguila. Capacity is limited. Article continues — the full article can be found at National Broadband Plan Proposes Significant Challenges for Television Broadcasters.