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Pillsbury Attorneys Heading to NAB Show in Vegas

Marking the end of a winter that has been way too long is an annual rite of Spring for the media industry–the National Association of Broadcasters’ Show in Las Vegas. This year’s Show is taking place from April 6th to the 11th at the Las Vegas Convention Center. The NAB touts the Show as “the world’s largest media and entertainment event covering the development, management and delivery of content across all mediums.” The growing technological and business diversity of the Show is reflected in the NAB’s additional description of the Show as being “home to the solutions that transcend traditional broadcasting and embrace content delivery to new screens in new ways.” That is certainly true, with the diversity of exhibitors covering every sector even tangentially related to media and content production.

Of course, for all that the Show itself is, one of the most compelling reasons to spend a few pleasant April days in Las Vegas is to reconnect with friends and colleagues in the industry, as well as meeting in person a lot of the people that you have previously known only by phone or email.

This year’s Pillsbury contingent includes six of our communications attorneys, including myself, Dick Zaragoza, Lew Paper, Scott Flick, Miles Mason, and Andrew Kersting.

If you see us at the Show, please stop and say hello. You can also reach out to us via email at the Show by clicking on the links above. They take you to our respective bios at Pillsbury, including email addresses.

If you are headed to the Show, we look forward to seeing you there. For those who won’t be there, I’ll be writing a post after the Show summarizing some of the highlights.