Glenn Richards of Pillsbury to Speak at the Backstage Pass in Palo Alto on June 24, 2010 on the “FCC’s National Broadband Plan and What it Means to Technology Companies and Investors”

Date(s): Jun/16/2010

Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP - Washington, DC Office
1200 17th St NW
Washington, DC, 20036

Glenn S. Richards will speak at this event which takes place from 6-9 PM, Pacific Time, at the Pillsbury Palo Alto Office. Implementation of the the FCC’s National Broadband Plan will impact all sectors of the communications industry as the Commission attempts to increase the availability and adoption of broadband in the United States. The FCC has already announced that it plans to initiate at least 60 proceedings within the next 12 months to achieve these goals. Along with speakers from eBay and AT&T, this session will address the impact these proceedings — including proposals to reclassify broadband Internet access services — may have on the tech community and investors.

You can learn more about this event and register by visiting this link.


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