Commercial and Noncommercial Biennial Ownership Reports Filing Window Opens
Date(s): Oct/01/2025
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP - Washington, DC Office
1200 17th St NW
Washington, DC, 20036
Washington, DC, 20036
The filing window for commercial stations to file FCC Form 2100, Schedule 323 (Ownership Report for Commercial Broadcast Stations) and for noncommercial stations to file FCC Form 2100, Schedule 323-E (Ownership Report for Noncommercial Broadcast Stations) opens on this date. All reports must reflect information current as of October 1, 2025. If a broadcast station is sold between October 1, 2025 and the filing date, a biennial ownership report must be filed by the party that owned the station as of October 1, 2025.