
Articles Posted in Emergency Alert System


The Phantom Menace: Return of the EAS False Alerts

In what has become one of our most popular posts at CommLawCenter, a few months ago I discussed a radio ad that contained an “attention getting” Emergency Alert System tone that was activating broadcast stations’ EAS equipment around the country. The post noted that airing the commercials violated Section 11.45…


Broadcasters and Cable Operators Find Something They Can Agree On: an EAS CAP Extension

With the Fox-Cablevision carriage dispute grabbing headlines, and the cable and broadcast industries preparing for battle in Congress and at the FCC over retransmission issues, you would be hard pressed to find common ground between these two media players. However, I have seen it, and it is now on file…


180 Days to Implement EAS Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)? Not So Fast!

The Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced in a public notice released today that it has adopted the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) v1.2 Standard for FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert Warning System (IPAWS). Under the FCC’s Rules, Emergency Alert System (EAS) participants (e.g., radio and television stations,…


EAS False Alerts in Radio Ads and Other Reasons to Panic

One of the great things about being a communications lawyer is the wide array of issues you deal with over the course of a day. Contract lawyers negotiate contracts, and litigators litigate, but communications lawyers negotiate contracts, litigate, argue government policy, and generally are thrown into the breach whenever a…


The FCC Proposes National Emergency Alert System Testing Rules

Comments are due by March 1, 2010 and Reply Comments are due March 30, 2010 to the FCC’s proceeding to implement national emergency alert testing at least once a year and to collect station data from such tests. In a Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NPRM”) concerning updating of…


FCC Enforcement Monitor

November 2008 Topics include: FCC Upholds $9,000 Fine for Noncommercial FM Radio Station Airing Advertisements FCC Fines New York AM Radio Station $12,800 for Failing to Sign Off at Sunset, Failing to Maintain Daytime Operating Power, Failing to Maintain an Operational Emergency Alert System, and Failing to Maintain a Complete…


FCC Enforcement Monitor

March 2008 Topics include: FCC Fines Mississippi Radio Station for Broadcasting a Conversation Without First Informing the Other Party Commission Fines Wyoming Radio Licensee $4,200 for Failing to Enclose Tower With an Effective Locked Fence FCC Fines Louisiana Radio Licensee $10,000 for Tower Lighting and Operating Power Violations FCC Fines…


Emergency Broadcasting Readiness in the Midst of Hurricane Season

Obligation to Provide Emergency Information to Persons with Hearing Disabilities August 2007 Mindful of Hurricane Dean, and with three months left in this year’s hurricane season, it is imperative that television station broadcasters ensure they have adequate policies in place and reliable procedures tested to insure that persons with hearing…