
Articles Posted in Low Power & Class A Television


Client Alert: FCC Sets September 14, 2011 as the Deadline for Payment of FY 2011 Annual Regulatory Fees

8/15/2011 The FCC has announced that full payment of all applicable Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 2011 must be received no later than September 14, 2011. As of this date, the FCC has not released a Public Notice officially announcing the deadline for payment of FY 2011 annual regulatory fees.…


“Regulatory Uncertainty” Prompts Further EAS CAP Extension Request

As we reported previously, in an atypical display of unity among broadcasters and the cable industry, the parties found common ground and filed a Petition with the FCC seeking to extend the deadline for implementing the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) standard. Last week, that unified front continued when we filed…


FCC Announces FY2011 Regulatory Fee Amounts

The FCC has released a Report and Order which includes its final determinations as to how much each broadcast licensee will have to pay in Annual Regulatory Fees for fiscal year 2011 (FY2011). The FCC collects Annual Regulatory Fees to offset the cost of its non-application processing functions, such as…


August 1 Deadline Looms For Copyright Royalty Claims

Every year, television stations whose signals were carried outside of their markets by a cable or satellite television provider during the prior year have the opportunity to obtain copyright royalties for that carriage. However, the claims process contains many rigid requirements. One is that claims must be filed no later…


FCC Announces Deadlines for Ending All Analog and Channel 52-69 LPTV Operations

If you have an LPTV station operating on a channel higher than 51, you have until September 1 of this year to file an application to change to digital operation on channel 51 or below. Failure to file an application by that deadline means the station’s authority to operate will…


FCC Enforcement Monitor

Pillsbury’s communications lawyers have published FCC Enforcement Monitor monthly since 1999 to inform our clients of notable FCC enforcement actions against FCC license holders and others. This month’s issue includes: FCC Fines FM Broadcaster an Extra $5,000 For Inaction Inaccurate Tower Ownership Information Ends in $3,000 Fine Failure to Heed…


You Can’t File That Renewal Too Early, Or Can You?

During the last license renewal cycle, the FCC handed out an unprecedented number of fines to broadcasters who failed to file their license renewal applications on time. In some cases, a station only learned of its failure to file because the FCC sent it a letter notifying it that the…


Deadline to Obtain Interference Protection From White Spaces Devices Just Days Away

Last Fall, the FCC adopted final rules allowing Part 15 unlicensed Television Band Devices (TVBDs) to operate in “white spaces”, the slivers of unused spectrum in the television band. To find available slivers of spectrum, the TVBDs will consult a database that is intended to contain information about every use…


Broadcasters Catch a Break on License Renewal Advertising Certification

Pity the post office. Even its federal brethren have abandoned it. Today the FCC announced that, with the beginning of the broadcast license renewal cycle fast approaching, it will not be sending its traditional postcard reminders to broadcast licensees. It did say, however, that it would email reminders to broadcasters…


Client Alert: FCC Proposes Rules to Reinstate and Expand Video Description Obligations for Television Stations

On March 3, 2011, the FCC released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NPRM”) setting forth proposed rules to implement the video description requirements contained in the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010 (“CVAA”), which became law in October 2010. The CVAA mandates that the FCC take a…