
Articles Posted in Television


FCC Releases 2014 Regulatory Fee Proposals

With the heat of Summer now upon us, the FCC is gearing up for its annual regulatory fee filing window, which usually occurs in mid-September. Like other federal agencies, the FCC must raise funds to pay for its operations (“to recover the costs of… enforcement activities, policy and rulemaking activities,…


FCC Announces June 19, 2016 Deadline for Revising TV Joint Sales Agreements

When the FCC voted at its March 31, 2014 meeting to deem television Joint Sales Agreements involving more than 15% of a station’s weekly advertising time as an attributable ownership interest, it announced that broadcasters that are parties to existing JSAs would have two years to modify or terminate those…


FCC Announces Freeze on LPTV Displacements and New Digital Replacement Translator Applications

Surprise, surprise, the FCC has instituted yet another application filing freeze! The FCC effectively said “enough is enough” and stopped accepting applications for LPTV channel displacements and new digital replacement translators. Yesterday, the FCC released a Public Notice indicating that, effective June 11, 2014, the Media Bureau would cease to…


FCC Extends Waiver Allowing False Emergency Tones in FEMA PSAs

Just two months after assessing nearly $2 million in fines to cable operators for airing ads for the movie Olympus Has Fallen containing false EAS tones, the FCC today granted an 18-month extension of its 2013 waiver allowing the Federal Emergency Management Agency to continue to use false emergency tones…


FCC Adopts Rules for the Broadcast Spectrum Auction

Earlier today, the FCC held its monthly Open Meeting, where it adopted rules to implement the Broadcast Television Incentive Auction.You can watch a replay of the FCC’s Open Meeting on the FCC’s website. Thus far, the FCC has released three documents relating to the actions it took today in this…


Political Broadcasting Advisory

May 2014 This Advisory provides a review of the FCC’s political broadcasting regulations. Introduction More than ten years after adoption of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (“BCRA”) of 2002, popularly known as “McCain-Feingold,” Congress’ and the FCC’s interest in political broadcasting and political advertising practices remains undiminished. Broadcast stations must…


Client Alert: All Class A and Full-Power Television Stations Must Comply with Online Political File Requirements as of July 1, 2014

May 2014 Class A and Full-Power Television Broadcasters in All Markets Regardless of Network Affiliation and Market Rank Must Comply with the Online Retention of Political Programming Materials as of July 1, 2014 The FCC recently published in the Federal Register a reminder that all Class A and full-power television…


FCC Extends Comment Deadlines for Multilingual EAS

Back in March, the FCC’s Public Safety and Homeland Safety Bureau (PSHSB) issued a Public Notice seeking to update the record on a 2005 Petition for Immediate Interim Relief regarding proposals to make fundamental changes to the FCC’s EAS Rules with respect to requiring broadcast stations to air multilingual EAS…


Supreme Court Seems Skeptical About Aereo’s Business Model

Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the Aereo case, providing the first indication of how the Justices view the case pitting Aereo against content providers, particularly broadcast networks. For background on Aereo’s technology and the previous lower court cases, Scott Flick of our office has written extensively…


Broadcasters Get a Free Throw in Aereo Case

Oral arguments before the Supreme Court are less than a week away in the Aereo case, and broadcasters are feeling pretty good about their chances. With the Department of Justice, Professor Nimmer (who, along with his father, quite literally wrote the book on copyright), and a host of other luminaries…