December 2009 Effective December 28, 2009, hand or messenger-delivered paper filings for the Commission’s Secretary must be submitted at its main building: 445 12th Street, SW, Room TW-A325, Washington, DC 20554. Previously, the FCC required that such filings be made at an address on Massachusetts Avenue, where they were subjected…
Comm Law Center
Advertising Resources
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman – Advertising and Sweepstakes Practice Advertising American Advertising Federation American Marketing Association Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies Direct Marketing Association Federal Trade Commission Promotion Marketing Association Uniform Commercial Code
FCC Gives Television Broadcast Industry Little Time to Defend Its Spectrum Allocation; Comment Deadline Is Set at December 21, 2009
December 2009 Earlier this week, the FCC released a Public Notice seeking “specific data on the use of spectrum currently licensed to broadcast television stations.” According to the Public Notice, in other proceedings related to the FCC’s development of a National Broadband Plan some commenters “have expressed concern that the…
Communications and Technology Legal Law Reviews
Federal Communications Law Journal Harvard Journal of Law & Technology Journal of Communications Law and Policy Stanford Technology Law Review UCLA Bulletin of Law & Technology University of Virginia Journal of Law & Technology
FCC Announces Online Availability of New FCC Form 323 Ownership Report and Provides Interim Response to Concerns Regarding Use of Social Security Number
December 2009 Today, the FCC released a Public Notice announcing that as of December 9, 2009, the new FCC Form 323 will become available online in the FCC’s CDBS filing system. Additionally, the FCC announced the availability of a “Special Use FRN” option in reporting attributable interest holders on the…
Communications Industry Resources
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman – Communications Practice Ad Age BIA Kelsey Broadcasting and Cable MultiChannel News NY Times Television Radio Business Report TV History TVNet’s Ultimate TV List TV NewsCheck Variety Warren Communications News Wiki Broadcasting
Congressional Resources
SENATE WEBSITE LINKS Bill Searches Commerce Science and Transportation Committee Judiciary Committee Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Senate Home Page HOUSE WEBSITE LINKS Appropriations Committee Budget Committee Committee on Homeland Security Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Science and Technology Energy and Commerce Committee House Home Page…
Engineering Resources
Association of Federal Communications Consulting Engineers BALI – Longitude/Latitude Distance Calculator Hatfield & Dawson Telecommunications and Electromagnetic Engineering Consultants Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Society of Broadcast Engineers
FCC Bureaus and Offices
FCC BUREAUS Consumer & Government Affairs Bureau Enforcement Bureau International Bureau Media Bureau Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau Wireless Bureau Wireline Competition Bureau FCC OFFICES Office of Administrative Law Judges Office of Communication Business Opportunities Office of Engineering and Technology Office of General Counsel Office of Inspector General Office…
FCC Website Links
FCC Website FCC Commissioners and Staff FCC Consumer Alerts and Fact Sheets FCC Database List FCC Emergency Alert System Webpage FCC Emergency Communications Fact Sheet FCC National Broadband Plan FCC Obscenity/Indecency Regulation Webpage FCC Radio Regulation Webpage FCC Releases FCC Spectrum Auctions Webpage FCC Staff Directory FCC TV and Cable…