
Comm Law Center


Industry Trade Associations

Association For Maximum Service Television (MSTV) National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) National Public Radio Online Alabama Broadcasters Association Alaska Broadcasters Association Arizona Broadcasters Association Arkansas Broadcasters Association California Broadcasters Association Colorado Broadcasters Association Connecticut Broadcasters Association Florida Association of Broadcasters Georgia Association of Broadcasters Hawaii Association of Broadcasters, Inc. Idaho…


Non-FCC Federal Agency Resources

Copyright Office Department of Commerce Department of Homeland Security Department of Justice Department of Justice/Freedom of Information Act Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Trade Commission General Accounting Office Library of Congress Local State Government Links National Telecommunications and Information Administration Office of Management and Budget U.S. Government Printing Office /Code…


Assessing the Impact on Radio and Television Stations of the Federal Trade Commission’s Recently Revised Guidance on Endorsements and Testimonials

November 2009 On December 1, 2009, the FTC’s newly-revised Guides on Endorsements and Testimonials will become effective. Broadcasters, including their on-air talent, need to know when a claim is an endorsement/testimonial, what on-air disclosures may be required, and what their obligations are to ensure that claims are truthful and not…


Commercial Radio and Television Stations Given Until January 11, 2010 to File Their Biennial Ownership Reports on FCC Form 323

November 2009 In a Public Notice released by the FCC today, the Media Bureau has announced that it has extended to January 11, 2010, the prior December 15, 2009 deadline for commercial radio and television broadcast station licensees to file their Biennial Ownership Reports on revised FCC Form 323. This…


Annual DTV Ancillary/Supplementary Services Report for Commercial Digital Television Stations

November 2009 All commercial and noncommercial educational digital television broadcast station licensees and permittees must file FCC Form 317 to report whether their stations provided ancillary or supplemental services at any time during the twelve-month period ending on the preceding September 30. The FCC Form 317 is due by December…


Ninth Circuit Ruling Leads to Spike in Class Actions Over Text Messages from Retailers

11/11/2009 In Satterfield v. Simon & Schuster, Inc., 569 F.3d 946 (9th Cir. 2009), the Ninth Circuit held that unsolicited text messages to mobile phones sent by a retailer may constitute a “call” in violation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (the “TCPA”). This decision has sparked an increase in…


Broadcast Station EEO Advisory

November 2009 This Broadcast Station EEO Advisory is directed to radio and television stations licensed to communities in: Alabama, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota and Vermont, and highlights the upcoming deadlines for compliance with the FCC’s EEO Rule. Introduction December…


FCC Shifts Net Neutrality Debate into High Gear

10/28/2009 Last week the FCC launched a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) proposing to adopt six “open Internet” rules that would bind all broadband access providers, including those providing mobile and satellite broadband services. If adopted, the rules could have pervasive and lasting effects in many industry sectors, including broadband,…