
Comm Law Center


FCC Announces Filing ‘Windows’ for New Digital-Only LPTV, TV Translator Stations in Rural Areas (Beginning August 25, 2009) and Nationwide (Beginning January 25, 2010)

7/1/2009 This week, the FCC issued a Public Notice announcing that it is finally lifting the freeze on the filing of new low power television (“LPTV”) and television translator stations. First, on August 25, 2009, the FCC will begin accepting applications for stations in “rural areas” for: (1) new digital-only…


FCC Adopts New Regulations Allowing AM Broadcast Stations to Use FM Translator Stations For “Fill-in” Purposes

6/30/2009 In respond to the National Association of Broadcasters’ July 14, 2006 Petition for Rule Making, and after a Notice of Proposed Rule Making Proceeding released on August 15, 2007, the FCC today released a Report and Order adopting the NAB’s proposal that AM stations be allowed to use FM…


FCC Proposal to Promote Rural Radio Service and Simplify Allotment/Assignment Process: Comments Due July 13, Replies Due Aug. 11

6/25/2009 Through the vehicle of a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (“NPRM”), Acting Chairman Michael J. Copps, and Commissioners Jonathan Adelstein and Robert McDowell are looking to change the way the FCC decides what communities and areas deserve new or modified commercial and noncommercial, full-power AM and FM radio stations.…


FCC Makes Available its Revised 2009 Second Quarter DTV Consumer Education Report (Form 388) for Television Stations, Which Must Be Filed by July 10, 2009

On March 13, 2009, and in response to the Congressional extension of the digital transition deadline from February 17 to June 12, 2009, the FCC released an R&O which, among other things, revised the rules associated with its requirements for DTV Consumer Education Initiatives. Those significant revisions, which became effective…


2009 Second Quarter Children’s Television Programming Documentation Advisory

6/19/2009 The next Children’s Television Programming Report must be filed with the FCC and placed in stations’ local Public Inspection Files by July 10, 2009, reflecting programming aired during the months of April, May and June 2009. A PDF version of this entire article can be found at 2009 Second…


FCC Recommends That Viewers With DTV Reception Problems Try ‘Double Rescanning’ Their Digital Converter Box or Digital TV

6/17/2009 The FCC issued a Public Notice recommending that viewers having difficulty receiving any of the over-the-air digital television signals of stations in their area should “double rescan” their digital converter boxes or digital television sets. The Public Notice can be found on the Commission’s website at the following link:…


FCC Reminds TV Stations Transitioning on June 12 They Must Have Adequate Staff Available to Answer Viewer Phone Calls During the Cut-over and the Entire Weekend

6/11/2009 In its Public Notice released earlier today, the FCC reminded stations of the requirement that television stations that have not yet made the transition to all-digital broadcasting must be prepared to answer calls about the transition immediately after they make the switch from analog to digital. The FCC noted…


FCC Issues a Notice of Inquiry Seeking Public Comment Regarding Arbitron’s Use of Portable People Meters

5/19/2009 The FCC’s Notice of Inquiry seeks answers to the controversial question raised by “broadcasters, media organizations and others” whether Arbitron is undercounting the audience for stations that air programming targeted to minority audiences, potentially harming the financial viability of those stations. At issue is Arbitron’s commercial use of equipment…


FCC Creates Digital Television Translator Service

5/8/2009 On December 23, 2008, the FCC issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing to create a new “replacement” digital television translator service. Today, the FCC released a Report and Order creating that service, outlining the parameters of the new service, and setting forth application procedures. The purpose of the…