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FCC Grants Limited Waiver of Requirement to Publish Closed Captioning Contact Information in Local Telephone Directories
In response to a petition for clarification filed by DISH Network, L.L.C. (“DISH”), the FCC has issued a “limited waiver” of its requirement that video programming distributors, including television stations, publish two types of information in local telephone directories–contact information for the receipt and handling of immediate closed captioning concerns, and contact information for the receipt and handling of written closed captioning complaints.
The FCC acknowledged that its telephone directory requirement would essentially force a video programming distributor operating on a nationwide basis (like DISH) to contract with local telephone directory publishers nationwide. However, the FCC did not limit the waiver to DISH or those engaged in national program distribution. As a result, local or regional entities, including local broadcast stations, may be eligible to benefit from this waiver as well, thereby avoiding the additional costs of extensive local telephone directory listings. To take advantage of this limited waiver, however, you must not currently have “contracted for” an advertisement or other paid listing in the telephone directory.