Articles Posted in Radio

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January 2010

This Broadcast Station EEO Advisory is directed to radio and television stations licensed to communities in: Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York and Oklahoma, and highlights the upcoming deadlines for compliance with the FCC’s EEO Rule.

February 1, 2010 is the deadline for broadcast stations licensed to communities in the States/Territories referenced above to place their Annual EEO Public File Report in their public inspection files and post the report on their website, if they have one. In addition, certain of these stations, as detailed below, must electronically file their EEO Mid-term Report on FCC Form 397 by February 1, 2010.

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This afternoon, the Commission released an Order announcing that, due to technical difficulties, it was temporarily suspending the use of the new FCC Form 323 and, as a consequence, was postponing the January 11, 2010 deadline for the filing of Biennial Ownership Reports for commercial broadcast licensees. The Commission stated that it would announce the reactivation of the new form and the new filing deadline in a subsequent Public Notice. The Order states that the Commission “will temporarily suspend the ability to start a new biennial Form 323 during this interim suspension period but will allow filers to complete and file forms that they have already started should they wish to do so.” The Order also states that the new filing deadline will be at least 90 days from the date that the new form is made available for new biennial filings.

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December 2009
The next Quarterly Issues/Programs List (“Quarterly List”) must be placed in stations’ local public inspection files by January 10, 2010, reflecting information for the months of October, November and December 2009.

Content of the Quarterly List
The FCC requires each broadcast station to air a reasonable amount of programming responsive to significant community needs, issues, and problems as determined by the station. The FCC gives each station the discretion to determine which issues facing the community served by the station are the most significant and how best to respond to them in the station’s overall programming.

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December 2009
Today, the FCC released a Public Notice announcing that as of December 9, 2009, the new FCC Form 323 will become available online in the FCC’s CDBS filing system.

Additionally, the FCC announced the availability of a “Special Use FRN” option in reporting attributable interest holders on the new FCC Form 323. The FCC stated that if a filer “is unable to obtain an FRN for any specific individual required to be reported on Form 323, the electronic form contains a mechanism for generating an interim ‘Special Use FRN’ solely for the purposes of completing the form.” The Special Use FRN is only to be used in filing biennial ownership reports on FCC Form 323 and may not be used for any other purpose at the FCC. According to the Public Notice, this option should be used only when necessary and filers should use their “best efforts” to obtain FRNs from all attributable interest holders. The FCC indicates that those who take advantage of the Special Use FRN are still expected to later obtain a “fully compliant” FRN which must be used in all future biennial ownership report filings.

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November 2009
On December 1, 2009, the FTC’s newly-revised Guides on Endorsements and Testimonials will become effective. Broadcasters, including their on-air talent, need to know when a claim is an endorsement/testimonial, what on-air disclosures may be required, and what their obligations are to ensure that claims are truthful and not misleading. These endorsement/testimonial-related issues can arise in a variety of contexts, including when station personnel voice commercials, prepare copy for advertisers, engage in banter regarding a product or service, serve as a spokesperson for an advertiser, or provide content to their station websites.

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November 2009
In a Public Notice released by the FCC today, the Media Bureau has announced that it has extended to January 11, 2010, the prior December 15, 2009 deadline for commercial radio and television broadcast station licensees to file their Biennial Ownership Reports on revised FCC Form 323.

This announcement comes as a great relief to licensees of commercial broadcast stations given that the electronic version of revised FCC Form 323 is not yet available on the FCC’s CDBS system for uploading of data.

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November 2009
This Broadcast Station EEO Advisory is directed to radio and television stations licensed to communities in: Alabama, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota and Vermont, and highlights the upcoming deadlines for compliance with the FCC’s EEO Rule.

December 1, 2009 is the deadline for broadcast stations licensed to communities in the States/Territories referenced above to place their Annual EEO Public File Report in their public inspection files and post the report on their website, if they have one.

Under the FCC’s EEO rule, all radio and television station employment units (“SEUs”), regardless of staff size, must afford equal employment opportunity to all qualified persons and practice nondiscrimination in employment.

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The FCC issued two Public Notices today which, together: (1) impose a freeze on the filing of all FM commercial and noncommercial educational (“NCE”) minor change applications from 11:59 pm, November 25, 2009, through December 18, 2009; (2) impose a freeze, beginning today, October 16, 2009, through December 18, 2009, on any applications proposing to modify the reference coordinates of 67 vacant non-reserved FM Band allotments listed on Attachment A of the Public Notice (attached hereto), as well as on any petitions or counterproposals that propose a change in the channel, class, community, or reference coordinates of those allotments; and (3) create a filing window for applications for those 67 vacant FM allotments reserved for NCE use.

With respect to the NCE filing window, the FCC announced that it will accept applications for the vacant 67 NCE FM allotments on Channels 221 through 300 from Friday, December 11, 2009, until Friday, December 18, 2009.

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As we wrote in an earlier Advisory, the FCC adopted an order in April 2009 revising FCC Form 323, its Ownership Report form for commercial stations. It also expanded the types of entities and licensees required to file Form 323, announcing that owners of all commercial AM, FM, TV, LPTV and Class A TV stations would need to file the new form by November 1, 2009. The FCC later suspended its existing biennial Ownership Report filing requirement for stations that were to have filed in June, August, or October of 2009, since those stations would have to file the new Form 323 by November 1, 2009 in any event.

At this time, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has not yet approved the new Form 323 for use by the FCC. In response to numerous calls from station counsel and industry representatives, the FCC today announced that it is suspending the requirement that stations file the revised Form 323 by November 1, 2009. Instead, stations will be required to file the new Form 323 by a date to be later announced by the FCC that is at least thirty days after the release of a public notice of OMB approval of the new form. In the meantime, the FCC announced that it will continue to suspend the filing of biennial ownership reports on existing Form 323 until the new form is available.

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