Articles Posted in Radio

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September 2009
The next Quarterly Issues/Programs List (“Quarterly List”) must be placed in stations’ local public inspection files by October 10, 2009, reflecting information for the months of July, August and September 2009.

Content of the Quarterly List
The FCC requires each broadcast station to air a reasonable amount of programming responsive to signifi­cant community needs, issues, and problems as determined by the station. The FCC gives each station the discretion to determine which issues facing the community served by the station are the most signifi­cant and how best to respond to them in the station’s overall programming.

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September 2009
This Broadcast Station EEO Advisory is directed to radio and television stations licensed to communities in: Iowa, Missouri, Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, Guam, American Samoa, Marianas Islands, Florida, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, and highlights the upcoming deadlines for compliance with the FCC’s EEO Rule.

October 1, 2009 is the deadline for certain broadcast stations licensed to communities in the States/Territories referenced above to place their Annual EEO Public File Report in their public inspection files and post the report on their website, if applicable.

Under the FCC’s rule that became effective as of March 10, 2003, all radio and television station employment units (“SEUs”), regardless of staff size, must afford equal employment opportunity to all qualified persons and practice nondiscrimination in employment.

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September 2009
As previously reported, the FCC released an Order on May 29, 2009, suspending the biennial ownership reporting requirement for commercial radio and television broadcast stations that would otherwise have been required to file their reports by June 1, August 1 or October 1, 2009.

Accordingly, commercial radio stations licensed to communities in Alaska, American Samoa, Florida, Guam, Hawaii, Mariana Islands, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Saipan, Virgin Islands and Washington and commercial television stations licensed to communities in Iowa or Missouri need not file their Biennial Ownership Reports by October 1. Rather, they will be required to file their Biennial Ownership Reports by November 1, 2009, as will all other commercial, full-power AM, FM, TV, LPTV and Class A television stations licensed to communities in any State or Territory of the United States.

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August 2009
The volatile combination of broadcast employees concerned about their income and job security, and cash-strapped businesses looking for cheap and effective ways to promote themselves in difficult economic times, creates an unusually fertile ground for payola and plugola violations. Complicating matters are state efforts to prohibit “payola” activities that are legal under federal payola law. Even being accused of payola can be devastating to a broadcaster, and stations must be extremely diligent in uncovering and preventing payola and plugola violations.

Payola is the undisclosed acceptance of, or agreement to accept, anything of value in return for on-air promotion of a product or service. It is forbidden by Sections 317 and 507 of the Communications Act of 1934, and by Sections 73.1212 (broadcast) and 76.1615 (cable) of the FCC’s Rules. Its sibling, Plugola, occurs when someone responsible for program selection promotes on-air a venture in which he or she has a financial interest without disclosing that interest to the station licensee and to the public. A payola or plugola violation by an employee usually results in the employer violating the FCC’s sponsorship identification rule as well.

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Recent Settlements and Court Rulings Bring Clarity to Royalty Landscape
The long-running battle over royalties owed by webcasters–companies that broadcast music over the Internet–took several significant leaps towards conclusion last month with important developments both inside and outside of the courtroom. Spurred by the Webcaster Settlement Act of 2009, signed by President Obama on June 30, SoundExchange and webcasters entered into a total of five Congressionally blessed settlement agreements that are open to other webcasters and are binding on all copyright owners and performers. Additionally, decisions were announced in two appellate cases. Set forth below are sum­maries of the key terms and important deadlines.

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July 2009
As we recently reported, the FCC has altered the schedule for the filing of Biennial Ownership Reports by commercial broadcast stations. Those Reports must now be filed by November 1, 2009 and by the same date every two years thereafter. However, the staggered schedule for the filing of Biennial Ownership Reports for noncommercial educational broadcast stations remains unchanged for the time being, subject to a pending Further NPRM. For noncommercial radio stations in California, North Carolina and South Carolina and noncommercial television stations in Illinois and Wisconsin, the reports are due August 1, 2009.

Noncommercial educational radio stations licensed to communities in California, North Carolina or South Carolina and noncommercial educational television stations licensed to communities in Illinois or Wisconsin must file their Biennial Ownership Reports by August 1, 2009.
As discussed in a Client Advisory sent earlier this month, the FCC released an Order on May 29, 2009, suspending the biennial ownership reporting requirement for licensees of commercial radio and television broadcast stations that would otherwise have been required to file their reports by June 1, August 1 or October 1, 2009. Accordingly, all commercial radio and television stations must submit biennial ownership reports by November 1 every other year, starting in 2009.

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July 2009
The FCC has altered the schedule for the filing of Biennial Ownership Reports by commercial broadcast stations. August 1, 2009 is no longer the deadline for commercial radio stations in California, North Carolina, and South Carolina, or for commercial television stations in Illinois and Wisconsin to file their biennial ownership reports. Those Reports must now be filed by November 1, 2009 and by the same date every two years thereafter, by all radio and television sta­tions nationwide.

As previously reported, the FCC released an Order on May 29, 2009, suspending the biennial ownership reporting requirement for licensees of commercial radio and television broadcast stations that would other­wise have been required to file their reports by June 1, August 1 or October 1, 2009.

Accordingly, commercial radio stations licensed to communities in California, North Carolina and South Carolina and commercial television stations licensed to communities in Illinois or Wisconsin need not file their Biennial Ownership Reports by August 1. They will, however, have to file their reports by November 1, 2009, as will the licensees of all other commercial, full-power AM, FM, TV, LPTV and Class A television stations licensed to communities in any State or Territory of the United States.

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As the sources of content available to the public proliferate, attracting and retaining an audience grows more challenging. A common strategy is to use provocative or “attention-getting” on-air elements to increase station awareness among media-saturated listeners and viewers. However, stations must be mindful of the numerous legal restrictions on content, particularly given that illegal on-air content can garner fines as high as $325,000 per violation. In addition, certain types of illegal on-air content can subject a broadcaster to civil and criminal liability, as well as loss of its license.

Familiarity with the FCC’s rules regarding on-air content is not optional for on-air talent, station programmers or station management. In most cases, editorial judgments made in advance, especially in the case of syndicated or pre-recorded programming, can prevent illegal content from reaching the air. It is therefore important that those involved in airing broadcast programming be up-to-date on the boundary lines that the FCC and the courts have drawn to distinguish legal from illegal on-air content.

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July 2009
This Broadcast Station EEO Advisory is directed to radio and television stations licensed to communities in: California, Illinois, North Carolina, South Carolina and Wisconsin, and highlights the upcoming deadlines for compliance with the FCC’s EEO Rule.

August 1, 2009 is the deadline for certain broadcast stations licensed to communities in the States/Territories referenced above to place their Annual EEO Public File Report in their public inspection files and post the report on their website, if applicable.

Under the FCC’s rule that became effective as of March 10, 2003, all radio and television station employment units (“SEUs”), regardless of staff size, must afford equal employment opportunity to all qualified persons and practice nondiscrimination in employment.

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In respond to the National Association of Broadcasters’ July 14, 2006 Petition for Rule Making, and after a Notice of Proposed Rule Making Proceeding released on August 15, 2007, the FCC today released a Report and Order adopting the NAB’s proposal that AM stations be allowed to use FM translators to retransmit their AM service within their AM stations’ current coverage areas. The action was taken to “permit AM broadcasters to better serve their local communities and thus promote the Commission’s bedrock goals of localism, competition and diversity in the broadcast media.”

In response to the National Association of Broadcasters’ July 14, 2006 Petition for Rule Making, and after a Notice of Proposed Rule Making Proceeding released on August 15, 2007, the FCC today released a Report and Order adopting the NAB’s proposal that AM station be allowed to use FM translators to retransmit their AM service within their AM stations’ current coverage areas. The action was taken to “permit AM broadcasters to better serve their local communities and thus promote the Commission’s bedrock goals of localism, competition and diversity in the broadcast media.”

According to the Report and Order, “AM broadcast stations will be allowed to use currently authorized FM translator stations (i.e., those now licensed or authorized in construction permits that have not expired) to rebroadcast their AM signals, provided that no portion of the 60 dBu contour of any such FM translator signal extends beyond the smaller of: (a) a 25-mile radius from the AM transmitter site; or (b) the 2 mV/m daytime contour of the AM station. In addition, AM broadcast stations with Class D facilities…will be allowed to originate programming on such FM translators during the periods when their AM station is not operating.”

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