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FCC Announces Filing Freeze for FM Minor Change Applications and Allotment Petitions and Creates Filing Window for Noncommercial Educational FM New Station Construction Permits
The FCC issued two Public Notices today which, together: (1) impose a freeze on the filing of all FM commercial and noncommercial educational (“NCE”) minor change applications from 11:59 pm, November 25, 2009, through December 18, 2009; (2) impose a freeze, beginning today, October 16, 2009, through December 18, 2009, on any applications proposing to modify the reference coordinates of 67 vacant non-reserved FM Band allotments listed on Attachment A of the Public Notice (attached hereto), as well as on any petitions or counterproposals that propose a change in the channel, class, community, or reference coordinates of those allotments; and (3) create a filing window for applications for those 67 vacant FM allotments reserved for NCE use.
With respect to the NCE filing window, the FCC announced that it will accept applications for the vacant 67 NCE FM allotments on Channels 221 through 300 from Friday, December 11, 2009, until Friday, December 18, 2009.